well, these people, they aren't perfect, but they're not trying to be. No they're messy and complicated because life is messy and complicated.They were forged out of passion and madness, and sometimes just a holy desire to make something ugly and uncomfortable and haunting and brilliant and thrilling.And that's beautiful.At least to me.
终于看完了第一部刷新我三观的美剧,一开始全当娱乐,越往后越发现也能从中想到点什么。这是对于这对奇葩来说的Happy ending啦,应该可以套用不婚主义一词。两个不喜欢束缚的人,原本都那么独立,不需要从对方身上寻求安全感,通过爱和性联系在一起,对他们来说需要的是自由的契约。你说两人关系是婚姻吧肯定不是,说不是婚姻吧形态上其实又只差了一纸契约和各种对应权利。我挺赞同周国平说的,好的婚姻应该是双方之间保持距离和张力,对方永远是一个需要重新追求的对象
我爱上的人是奇葩 第五季:吉米爱格雷琴
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